Full Moon in Capricorn

Full Moon in Capricorn – July 21st at 3:17 AM MST


Capricorn: Symbol: Sea Goat, Element: Earth, Modality: Cardinal, Ruling planet: Saturn, Ruling house: 10th, Affirmation: “I achieve”

Themes: Powerful Revelations, Deep Transformation, Chaos within the order, Big endings, full exhale, Completion, Destroy to discern, Aligned authentic action, Fertilizing the bacteria, Shadow work, Soul-related work


On July 21st at 3:17 AM MST we have a powerful Full Moon at 29° Capricorn. This is the second full moon in Capricorn this cycle, making it a Blue Moon, with quite a powerful and a significant moment of completion.

This Full Moon is all about the deep, authentic, and perhaps even dark truths that have been kept at bay, but are now coming up. Letting these truths surface and working through them will set you free. The stuff coming up may feel Karmic. These things may make you squirm, feel a little uneasy, and shake things up a bit, but its to push you toward your most aligned and authentic journey ahead. 

This isn’t for the short term, its for the long journey. 

It will take grit, stamina and deep trust. 

Full Moons are known as the most fertile time in the lunar cycle, where energy of the Moon, our unconscious self,  is being illuminated by the Sun, our conscious self.  It is a heightened time to take aligned action. It is often reflected that Full Moons can create a buzz of energy and bring some chaos, but ultimately a time to let the shadow emotions be seen, and let go of the energy that isn’t serving your highest potential anymore. 

This Full Moon is no different, its powerful influence is coming from its conjunction to Pluto and being situated at the anoretic degree of 29 Capricorn. 

So what does that mean? 

29 degrees in astrology is known as the anaretic degree. It is the final degree, before a planet moves into a new sign. The 29th degree is often associated with completion, but in its highest vibration, mastery. At this point a planet has spent time and learned all the lessons it is to learn in this particular zodiac sign, during that particular cycle. But, there can be tension in transition, so sometimes the final degree can bring sudden change and chaos.

Capricorn is a cardinal-earth sign who’s archetype is the Father. Capricorn brings all things endurance, authenticity, power, ambition, and structure.   Capricorn is ruled by Saturn. So when the moon is in Capricorn, we must look to its ruler, Saturn to see what he is doing. Saturn is currently retrograde at 19° Pisces, giving us an opportunity to reawaken our faith in our journey. To trust the nudges we are feeling, create a plan to push us toward our own authenticity. 

Additionally Pluto is making a conjunction to this moon and is illuminating some emotional intensity within the subconscious. Pluto is the planet of transformation, death/rebirth, destruction, and power. Pluto’s highest function is to support evolution of consciousness. He’s here to destroy to discern and to bring forward your authentic gifts that may lain dormant, for you step into your power.Pluto is here to empower you. 

Pluto will initiate a new level of consciousness from the unseen world, our shadow,  and he is here to initiate your greatest and most authentic truth for your greatest evolution. These things may make you feel uncomfortable to look at, but beneath the discomfort you expand into your highest truth. It can be messy, but always worth it. 

Pluto is a generational planet, meaning he takes 248 years to cycle through the entire zodiac and therefore Pluto’s energy is more connected to the collective subconscious. 

Pluto wants deep transformation on a collective scale.  Pluto rules the sign of Scorpio. 

Pluto is connected to the God of the underworld, Hades. 

With Pluto currently at 0° Aquarius, he’s been making his slow transition into the sign of Aquarius. He is currently retrograde and will dip into Capricorn one more time later this year, around the election, before full steam ahead in Aquarius. A new timeline. 

This Full Moon may feel big, and buzzy. Slow down, take time to ground yourself, do some shadow or soul-related work if you feel called. Now is also a great time to come up with a plan to support your long term goals. 


Questions to ponder:

What intuitive nudges are you receiving recently? 

What rules or structures are no longer serving you’re greatest potential? 

What are some long term goals or dreams you have? 

Can you make a plan or create some discipline around taking action toward these goals? 

What is something that is coming up that feels intimidating or scary to look at? What if you look at it? 

Where are you limiting yourself from your living your most authentic life, because of unconscious consequential beliefs?

What does being authentic look and feel like for you? 

Written by: Stephanie Lorenz


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