
Symbol: Two Fish

Element: Water

Modality: Mutable

Planetary Ruler: Neptune

House Ruler: 12th 

Affirmation: I Believe / Intuition 






Creating a practical plan to support your dreams

“May your choices reflect your hopes, not your fears.” – Nelson Mandela 

The Eclipse portal is open and we are entering a time of new beginnings and chapters closing. 

On Tuesday evening we have the Sun in Virgo opposing the Moon in Pisces, creating a culmination point of the lunar cycle. Not only do we have a Full Moon in Pisces happening on Tuesday, but our first Eclipse of the season. The Sun, our conscious vitality is in practical, analytical and health-aware Virgo, while opposing the Moon, our unconscious, in the emotional, dreamy and spiritual sign of Pisces. 

On September 17th, at 7:34 pm MST, we have a Full Moon at 25° Pisces and a lunar Eclipse. Eclipses are times of transformation and occur somewhat regularly. Approximately every half a year we have an eclipse season and onTuesday,  we will experience our first eclipse of this season, the first taste of the Virgo-Pisces axis, initiating a new storyline that will unfold among the collective and on an individual level until ~mid 2026, when the Nodes move into the Virgo-Pisces axis. 

Eclipse season can affect us for weeks or even months at a time.  A season of eclipses includes both a New Moon and Full Moon eclipse. There are different types of eclipses, but when trying to understand the eclipses, its important to understand the energetics of the Nodes.

Eclipses are a supercharged time and often make a bigger impact on us than the New Moon, or Full Moons do energetically. Eclipses are connected to the Nodes of the Moon; the North Node and the South Node. The Lunar Nodes are complex, moving points, opposing each other in the sky, and from our perspective on Earth, it is when the Moon obstructs the path of the Sun. Energetically, the Nodes are known as the destiny of fate. The South Node is connected to our past life, ancestors, and Karma, while the North Node is connected to our destiny and the growth path in which we are evolving into in this lifetime. 

Eclipses are known for their transformation, upheaval and illumination. A time to slow down, surrender, embrace change, and allow progress in your evolution to unfold. Typically, not a time to do any manifestation, but to surrender and allow the energy to reveal itself. They can feel a bit chaotic because the energy is powerful and sometimes during eclipse season, we experience abrupt endings or beginnings. But eclipses are not to be feared, they are here to initiate an evolution within you and the collective, and move you along your path. This Lunar Eclipse is taking place on the Virgo-Pisces axis, bringing a significant focus on our health, our day-to-day practices and our spirituality or faith. 

However, Currently, the Nodes are illuminating the relationship axis; The Sun is ~17° from the South Node in Libra, where we are learning how to let go of people-pleasing, and codependency while honoring our self-discovery within relationships. The Full Moon is ~17° from the North Node in Aries, where we find the courage to move toward our vision without seeking validation and initiating an interdependence within relationships. This axis is a balance between our self-development while in relationships; a balancing act of giving and receiving. 

With the Sun in Virgo, there is still a conscious focus on getting organized, managing our time, cleaning and clearing, and building a foundation of healthy day-to-day routines. The Sun is illuminating the Moon, our unconscious, in Pisces, which is connected to our dreams, intuition and our spirituality. Pisces is ruled by Neptune, the God of the Sea, who brings compassion and the development of awareness of our spiritual essence, but also Neptune brings illusion and confusion. 

The Full Moon is conjunct Neptune, synthesizing more confusion and escapism, but at the same time, illuminating the fog, and allowing an awareness around the reality of the confusion. Pay attention to your dreams. And in so doing, can you create a practical plan (Virgo) to accommodate your dreams (Pisces)?

Neptune is at 28° Pisces and has been in Pisces since 2011. While Neptune feels most at home in Pisces, the confusion, and escapism of Neptune on an advanced scale, have brought an over-emphasized belief system and in turn more confusion and fear. But Pisces is connected to the 12th house, and I often think of this house as ethereal, where all logic is thrown out, and its a good reminder to tap into your inner knowing, your intuition. Neptune will leave Pisces next year. 

Another aspect to note during the Full Moon Lunar Eclipse is the Sun in Virgo is making a trine to Pluto Rx in Capricorn. There has been a heavy focus on Pluto in the recent years, especially in recent months as he has been retrograding back into Capricorn, where he has been for the last ~20 years, before he makes his final push into Aquarius where he will be for the next 20 years. Pluto is the planet of transformation, will, and power. 

This harmonious, earthly aspect will provide confidence within any transformation presenting itself, giving us the determination to go after what we truly desire. 

Questions to Ponder:

What does Surrender mean to you? 

How can you Surrender during this Eclipse season? 

What is something that has been coming up for you recently, any revelations coming through? 

What is a vision you hold for yourself? And what are some courageous steps you can take to 

move toward this vision? 

What are you dreaming about? 

What are some emotions coming up for you, and how are you coping with them? 

Extra: Keep a dream journal for a week or perhaps through the entire eclipse season, and see what reveals itself.

Written by: Stephanie Lorenz 

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