Capricorn New Moon

Capricorn New Moon

Capricorn New Moon –DECEMBER 30TH, 2024 AT 3:26PM MST

Symbol:  The Sea Goat                                           

Element: Earth

Modality: Cardinal 

Ruling Planet: Saturn 

Ruling House: 10th

Affirmation: “I Achieve” 



Initiation of a new cycle



Intention setting 


New beginnings



Aiming for what we want 

Discerning our truth on what’s no longer serving our mission forward

Long term visions

Yin/Yang balance and connection within ourselves 


Foundation setting for long term goals 

Take risks to achieve a more desirable outcome


Our final New Moon of 2024, is a Black Moon, bringing us the second New Moon in a month. The New Moon is at 9° Capricorn and peaks at 3:26 PM MST on Monday, December 30th. What a powerful way to end the 2024 calendar year. The second New Moon this month is bringing a beautiful opportunity to manifest, plant seeds, and to get clear on the foundations you want to build for your future. It’s a moment in time to reflect on death, and endings, and plant the seeds for rebirth, and new beginnings. From an astrological perspective, the January 1st date is rather irrelevant, as we are amidst the soul of winter during the changing of the calendar year. Capricorn season brings us a natural reflection of how all things must die, or go dormant, just to be reborn again come spring. This is a powerful time to go inward, to reflect, to nourish, and to tend to our hearth. The Astrological New Year begins at the start of Aries season, also known as the Spring Equinox, when the fire is lit again and to cultivate our soil for whats to come in the agricultural year. But I digress, let’s talk about Capricorn and this New Moon. 

The symbol of Capricorn is the Sea-goat, half goat, and half fish.  Capricorn is known to trek up the tallest of mountains, and dive deep into the bottom of the seas. The range of Capricorn is far and wide; land and sea, grounded Earth, and emotional waters. Never underestimate Capricorns range in life, and capacity to hold it all. Capricorn teaches us pragmatic empathy, and while Capricorn may come off as rigid or cold in terms of emotions, they have a way of practically transmuting and holding emotions. Nothing seems out-of-range for a Capricorn.  

Capricorn energy is very dependable, and desires stability through tangible ways, like putting roots in the soil, and having a patience, and structured slow mastery of Abundance that comes from roots being put in the soil. Capricorns do not rush. They are training for life.  

Capricorn is fascinating sign, it is an Earth ruled sign, making it feminine in nature and connecting us to our Yin energy. Capricorn season arrives initiating winter on the Winter Solstice, it is a time of year, where we find ourselves in the depth of our darkest days of the year, but when the light starts to slowly come back.

Capricorn season teaches us to slow down, to take inventory of where we are in life at this moment, and what we want to cultivate. So that when the light returns,  our vision for our long term goals, and the seeds we plant now will take root and bloom.  

While Capricorn is feminine in nature, and showing us how to nurture ourselves, the sea goat is also ruled by Saturn, who in Greek Mythology is known as Cronus, the God of Time. Saturn is often represented as the Father archetype and represents time, structure, and responsibilities, which all resemble masculine qualities. So Capricorn brings this powerful duality to find balance within the masculine and feminine; the Yin and the Yang within ourselves. How can we slow down, nurture ourselves, reflect on where we came from and create structure, time management, and discipline to support our long term visions that  we have now given ourselves the time, space and, reflection to see. 

There is a sense of faith in self that comes from Capricorn. Faith in our unshakable endurance in this life. What are things we can do for ourselves that support our longevity? Because Capricorn is an Earth sign, think about ways you can support your physical, earthly body, with a long term vision in mind.

This is powerful moment in time to reflect on what worked throughout the year, what soil did you choose to cultivate and from that soil, what bloomed, and what needs more tending to? How can you structure your time over the next six months to cultivate more soil and whatever needs tending to. 

It’s an inward process that can begin in the mind, but wants to be alchemized through our Earthly bodies. 

This New Moon is a manifesting moon, this is a beautiful time to create discipline and structure around not only your long term goals, but also with your manifestation process. Are there rituals or daily practices that can support you in the long term. Capricorn is also the sign of self-mastery, sometimes in the process of mastering ourselves, we have to allow a little delusion into the mix. The delusion brings us to an edge, of what could be possible. Let yourself imagine the unimaginable and find tangible ways to honor and support these visions. It is also a time to create discipline and structure to support your long term goals. 

Trust that every step, big or little, that you take toward your goals are supporting you. Think of it in terms of stacking bricks, somedays you may stack more than others, but trusting that each moment that you hold that vision and keep going matters, it is all in service to you and your self-mastery. 

Have an unshakable amount of faith in yourself, and where you’re going. 


Aspects to note: 

New Moon Conjunct Pallas Athene: One of the four major asteroids that astrologers work with. Pallas is the asteroid of wisdom, craft, and victory and is merging forces with this New Moon. Vision of fairness, truth and independence may come through. The receptivity of intuitive intellect has the ability to come through. Going ALL-IN for what really matters. Emboldening ourselves to show up more in our personal truth. This can help us get really clear on the seeds we want to plant now to support our goals. What Victories do we want to achieve for ourselves in the coming months. 

New Moon square Saturn: Saturn the ruler of this New Moon is squaring the New Moon, bringing our fears to the surface, and dampening our visions for change. There could be a sense of authority, perhaps its a literal authority figure or its an essence of authority within ourselves (your masculine energy?) trying to control our long term visions. A beautiful reminder that change requires courage. So, be brave, not your own bully. 


Questions to ponder: 

What are some of my long term goals? And what structures do I need to put in place for me to get there?

What foundational bricks can I stack today, that will support my long term vision? 

How can I honor both the masculine and the feminine within myself? And in what ways does my masculine and feminine energy show up for me? 

Reflect on how far I’ve come in just one calendar year, what am I most proud of? 

In what ways have I matured emotionally over the last year? 

What are some ways I can nurture and nourish myself this winter season? 


Written by: Stephanie Lorenz

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