Virgo Full Moon Lunar Eclipse 

Welcome to Eclipse season, potentially one of the most powerful and life-changing seasons of 2025, astrologically. The Virgo Full Moon on March 13th, at 11:54PM is bringing an emotional intensity, as the Moon moves into the Earth’s shadow and is eclipsed. This lunar eclipse is bringing big, rapid, and destined changes around our emotional awareness within our lifestyle, our (daily) habits, motivation, our physical health, thought patterns, and work environments. Virgo is The Maiden, and the Earth Priestess, she is the embodiment of the physical self, the Earth, the divine feminine, and she deeply desires to be in service to others. Virgo is practical and organized.

Eclipse season is a lot like Uranus energy. Radical, revolution, and rapid change. It brings a sense of lightning bolt energy, bringing quick change, but for fated change. Eclipse season can feel intense, but eclipses are connected to the North and South Nodes, which are points of destiny in our chart, therefore when Eclipse season brings change, it is always for our highest good. This is a great time to pause, and truly let go. Allow the completion to take form, and embrace the death portal of endings, so that we can prepare for our renewal of our personal and spiritual evolution.

Full Moon’s are when the Sun and Moon oppose each other in the sky. The Sun is currently in Pisces, opposing the Moon in Virgo. The Pisces – Virgo axis is spiritual in essence, but also the health, and service axis.

This is a South Node, Full Moon Eclipse, meaning the South Node, is in close proximity to the Moon, during this Full Moon. The South Node is represented by our past, our karma, our shadows, and our instinctual comforts and innate gifts. The Moon is our emotional and internal world.

Virgo’s highest purpose is to be in service to others, she is focused on healing, through physical embodiment. This Full Moon, at 23° Virgo activating the South Node, is an opportunity to support our physical health, pay attention to our daily habits, and lifestyle. Tending to our physical well-being, such as doing a detox, decluttering our physical and mental space could be supportive during this Eclipse. But also, this is moment where our past life gifts may come out of the shadows, and to the surface to be in service of your highest good in this lifetime. Trust what is presenting itself, even if it doesn’t make logical sense right now.

This full moon wants you to find balance between work, and rest.

Release any stagnant energy by moving your physical body; dancing, eft tapping, pleasure, breath-work, shaking meditation, get creative, but release so your body can clear the old, and welcome the new. You are setting yourself up for success to transcend your soul’s destined path.

Mercury, who is the ruler of this Full Moon, will go retrograde the day after the Eclipse. Mercury is currently in Aries, and is the planet of communication, the messenger of the Gods. When Mercury goes retrograde, it’s a time to review, revise, recalibrate and renew the mind. This retrograde feels like impeccable timing, as we release and let go during eclipse season, we get a moment to revise, pause, and find clarity in the mind, and the way we communicate and articulate during a season of massive change.

The Sun is making a conjunction to Saturn in Pisces during this Full Moon, and opposing the Moon. Saturn is the Father archetype, and lord of time, and karma. With this being a south node lunar eclipse, this emphasizes the karmic and fated energy of this Full Moon. Saturn in Pisces is introspective, and compassionate, brings a structured connection to spirit and our faith. Saturn may offer a sense of grounding during this eclipse, bringing you divine trust in the change ahead.

Lastly the Moon is making a trine to Uranus in Taurus during this Full Moon. Like I mentioned, Eclipse energy can feel a lot like Uranus energy; it’s rapid change through quick-lighting bolt revelations, and it is here to revolutionize your liberations and freedom. This trine can bring a sudden emotional awareness around where you need more freedom in your life, to feel most alive. It may bring a sense of chaos to the change, but once again, this is for your highest good and to fortify your true soul’s destiny.

There is still a lot of Pisces energy in the sky, which can bring a mysticism, a sense of faith, and compassion. There can be a sense of dreamy mysticism and unclear energy with all the Pisces in the sky. Lean into your divine faith, when feeling unsure during turbulent Eclipse season.

Questions to Ponder:
What is coming to completion?

What patterns, or perspectives am I being asked to let go, so I can step into my highest soul’s destiny?

What unrealistic standards have I been holding myself to? How does it feel in my physical body? Where do I feel it. Let it go.

Where is my soul leading me?

What daily habits/routines am I grateful for in my life?

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