Aries The Ram 

Archetype: The Pioneer, The Initiator                                             

Element: Fire

Modality: Cardinal

Ruling Planet: Mars

Ruling House: 1st – the House of Self 

Affirmation: I am / I assert  


Inspired Action

Emotional Awakening 


Fusion of head and heart


Healing Power 


“Venerate verb: to honor with a ritual act of devotion” 

This word came to me this week, and I felt its potency while writing this Full Moon report. 

On October 17th at 4:26AM MST, the Full Moon peaks at 24° Aries, illuminating some emotional wounds, impulses, fears around your personal power. 

Aries, the first sign of the zodiac, is a fire-cardinal sign who loves to take the initiative and trail blaze with an unyielding force. Aries is ruled by the planet, Mars, who represents passion. Aries is brave, confident, and action-oriented. While this Full Moon is not an eclipse, this Aries Full Moon very much has an intense, “eclipse-like” energy about it. The beginning of this moon cycle began at the Libra New Moon a couple weeks ago, and is now at it’s culmination point. We may be uncovering some hidden resentment, and some unexposed parts of ourselves and within our relationships.

“We can not live in a fear,” a very familiar quote, certainly you have heard many times before. Perhaps this quote has been circulating in our dialogue more frequently since the pandemic, where we identified the essential desire for our livelihoods while navigating a very restrictive time on our Earth. As I was on my yoga mat earlier this week, this quote came to me. It felt simple, and yet a potent message of what this Full Moon energy is illuminating. This Full Moon is activating the relationship axis, the Aries-Libra axis, the epitome of the self and the other; our relationships. The question becomes how can we bring balance to our personal power, and within our relationships. This lunation is illuminating our subconscious fears within ourselves and relationships. 

Everyone has a past, and it is the past that has shaped every ounce of our being, whether it’s a trauma response or a moment of joy we remember and seem to chase. Our past has been the culmination of the person we have become today, and in that past comes the fear. Fear of rejection, fear of what other people think, fear of the unknown, fear of repeating the same patterns or behaviors, but that fear is what keeps us stuck, it’s where we outsource our energy away from our hearts, and away from what our soul came here to do. This Full Moon is a moment of time to remember who we really are and why we incarnated in this lifetime. 

You know the saying, on the other side of fear we find freedom? This Full Moon is potent reminder to remember who the f**k you are, and now is the time to take courageous, and inspired action toward your hearts desires. Transmute your fears into freedom. 

This Full Moon is a fusion between our head and our hearts; harmony between the self and others. Shining light on where our heart’s are ready to take assertive action. While being mindful of any impulsive emotional actions, ask yourself,  “if I assert myself here, will it bring balance to the situation?”  Maintaining your sense of self, and taking action where it is needed, while also keeping the peace within your relationships. It’s the push and pull of not giving your power away, but requiring justice through balanced relationships.

Full Moon’s are the peak in the lunar cycle, and an opportunity to release those fears or limiting beliefs that are not in alignment with your soul’s your way forward. While this Full Moon is no longer in the eclipse portal, we look back to the New Moon in Libra, which was an eclipse, and think about what we are birthing in this cycle. As the energy peaks, so do our subconscious limitations. Turn those limits into fertile soil, and with reverence the abundance comes.   

This lunation is also making a Cardinal Grand Cross to Mars and Pluto. All planets in this Grand Cross are found in Cardinal signs, which are the signs that initiate the start of each season. The Sun in Libra, opposing the Moon in Aries, which is squaring Mars in Cancer, and also squaring Pluto in Capricorn. 

The Cardinal Grand Cross brings an extra level of potency in taking action toward your personal power, but it also can bring some intensity or chaos to the stage. With Pluto in the mix at the 29th degree of Capricorn, the anoretic degree. It is the last degree of, which can bring a sense of urgency, a sense of chaos, but also a level of mastery.  

Mars the planet of action is not comfortable in the sign of Cancer, and he can feel a little more sensitive here. This placement can make it challenging to harness your physical energy at this time. 

The Sun squaring Pluto illuminates the imposter self, but also reveals your personal power when you allow it to shine. This aspect is also brining to light where you have given your power away, and to rebirth your way of thinking around your power. 

Moon squaring Pluto is an emotional rebirth, again to ignite your own personal power and gifts. A rebirth within your subconscious. 

Mars opposing Pluto strategically initiates the spiritual warrior within you, and recognize the service in which your warrior can serve the greater good of humanity. 

It is also important to recognize that Mars is the planet of conflict, anger and war, I have been getting a sense of collective resentment coming to the surface. I think this is a valuable time to have compassion and kindness for others and our differences. Sacred rage is a powerful thing, and when we allow our pain to be exposed, we give it permission to be released from us, so that we can get into better alignment with our deepest truth. Release the rage in a balanced way. 

This Full Moon is directly next to Chiron, who is celestial comet known as the wounded healer. This energy may reveal wounds you’ve been avoiding  to look at within your relationships. This conjunction can create an opportunity to nurture, release and transmute those wounds, so that you can feel confident to take bold action toward your evolution. I often think of Chiron as the potent placement of where some of your greatest gifts live; within the wounds. Our wounds become wisdom and a portal to our power and service to our community. 

Have reverence, and veneration for your fears and wounds that they are part of your whole, which ultimately reveal your personal gifts, personal power and how it can serve as an agent for collective change.  Trust that you can bring this wisdom to your community and the people around you. 

Your fears are valid and are here to show you the way, instead of our fears being in the driver seat, we give them permission to be seen, released, transformed, and turned into our greatest power.

“The more you become a channel, the more is available for everyone.” – Mark Borax

Suggestions for this Full Moon in Aries: 

Move your physical body 


Get in nature 

Journal; stream of consciousness, dump your fears out on paper, and then burn it. 

Heart-centered meditation 


  1. What have you been holding onto that may be turning into resentment? 
  1. How can you trust your identity and bring that energy to all your relationships with confidence? 
  1. What is something you are passionate about right now? 
  1. Where have you been giving your power away?
  1. What wounds or patterns have been showing up for you recently? How can you nurture these wounds and transform them? 
  1. Where in your life do you need to remove the excuses, and be the warrior or trail-blazer for your deepest passions? What craves action in your life right now? 

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