Lotus Wei Flower Essence MIST—Sacred Collection


Sacred Body

Do you feel tired or oversaturated with foreign energies in your field? Sacred Body clears negative energies and nourishes your WeiQi protective energy layer. Re-establish healthy boundaries in the subtle bodies, let go of excess toxins and experience more vitality & strength.

MAGNIFIES: Auric revitalization, bioenergetic purification & ethereal alignment; vitality, strength & self-healing; deep self-trust and resilience.

DISSOLVES: Fatigue, saturation of foreign energies in your field from travel or being around lots of people, excess toxins in the body or the energetic field; etheric body misalignments or miasms in the aura.

Sacred Awareness

Want to heighten your intuitive capacities? Sacred Awareness refines awareness & helps you swiftly tap into electric communication, sound healing & interconnectedness. Expand your spacious awareness & anticipate others’ needs.

MAGNIFIES: Swift exchange of understanding of people, places & groups; heightened familial love; electric communication, timing and action; ability to hold intensity of emotion for yourself and others; healing power of your voice; desire for your sacred contribution to become manifest.

DISSOLVES: Holding back or playing small; avoidance of communication or intense emotions; being attached to outcomes or limiting possibilities; savior complex; hesitation, apathy or wrong timing.

Sacred Heart

Want to soothe your heart and ease your mind? Sacred Heart helps us surrender into softness and feel supported during grief or ‘dark night of the soul’ moments. Nourish your heart & support your divine expression. Soften the present moment & elicit poignant beauty despite change.

MAGNIFIES: Deep comfort & profound self-support; resilience, contentment & belonging; self-love, self-acceptance & self-nurturing

DISSOLVES: Inner conflict, loneliness & ‘dark night of the soul’; separation, grief, heartache & loss; feeling undervalued, ‘dirty’, or overwhelmed

Sacred Body

Do you feel tired or oversaturated with foreign energies in your field? Sacred Body clears negative energies and nourishes your WeiQi protective energy layer. Re-establish healthy boundaries in the subtle bodies, let go of excess toxins and experience more vitality & strength.

MAGNIFIES: Auric revitalization, bioenergetic purification & ethereal alignment; vitality, strength & self-healing; deep self-trust and resilience.

DISSOLVES: Fatigue, saturation of foreign energies in your field from travel or being around lots of people, excess toxins in the body or the energetic field; etheric body misalignments or miasms in the aura.

Sacred Awareness

Want to heighten your intuitive capacities? Sacred Awareness refines awareness & helps you swiftly tap into electric communication, sound healing & interconnectedness. Expand your spacious awareness & anticipate others’ needs.

MAGNIFIES: Swift exchange of understanding of people, places & groups; heightened familial love; electric communication, timing and action; ability to hold intensity of emotion for yourself and others; healing power of your voice; desire for your sacred contribution to become manifest.

DISSOLVES: Holding back or playing small; avoidance of communication or intense emotions; being attached to outcomes or limiting possibilities; savior complex; hesitation, apathy or wrong timing.

Sacred Heart

Want to soothe your heart and ease your mind? Sacred Heart helps us surrender into softness and feel supported during grief or ‘dark night of the soul’ moments. Nourish your heart & support your divine expression. Soften the present moment & elicit poignant beauty despite change.

MAGNIFIES: Deep comfort & profound self-support; resilience, contentment & belonging; self-love, self-acceptance & self-nurturing

DISSOLVES: Inner conflict, loneliness & ‘dark night of the soul’; separation, grief, heartache & loss; feeling undervalued, ‘dirty’, or overwhelmed