Parasite Cleanse


What is it? We are exposed to many different things every day. One of them being Parasites. Due to the food we eat, almost everybody has parasites in their intestinal tract. This blend will kill the parasites, as well as the larvae to prevent the cycle from continuing.

As you take this detox, you may notice bloating, gas, and other “undesirable” effects…that actually are very desirable. These “symptoms” are your bodies way of working through the detox. The build up of parasites will be upset and try to fight there way to stay. It is most effective when you are consistent in the detox. Take a break, and then do another detox. Repeat this process until you no longer experience the detox symptoms.

  • Detoxifies colon and body
  • treats hypothyroidism and goiter
  • fights bacterial, parasitic, and fungal infection
  • antitumor properties have been found to be prelevant in Mugwort
  • stimulates digestion and expels gas.

How to take it:

Start in small doses and work your way up so as not to over upset your intestinal tract.

Take 5 DROPS (NOT dropperful) 3x/day (15 minutes before each meal) for the first 3 days.

Increase by 2 DROPS every day for the next four days. (will be at 13 drops).

Then take 1 dropperful 3x/day for one more week.

Rest for 1 week, and repeat process as needed.

**Feel free to increase or decrease dosage as needed. Go with whatever feels right for you! but it is highly recommended to start slow and ease your way into it!

*We are not medical professionals. It is always recommended to do your own research regarding herbs. Especially when nursing, pregnant, or taking pharmaceuticals.

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What is it? We are exposed to many different things every day. One of them being Parasites. Due to the food we eat, almost everybody has parasites in their intestinal tract. This blend will kill the parasites, as well as the larvae to prevent the cycle from continuing.

As you take this detox, you may notice bloating, gas, and other “undesirable” effects…that actually are very desirable. These “symptoms” are your bodies way of working through the detox. The build up of parasites will be upset and try to fight there way to stay. It is most effective when you are consistent in the detox. Take a break, and then do another detox. Repeat this process until you no longer experience the detox symptoms.

  • Detoxifies colon and body
  • treats hypothyroidism and goiter
  • fights bacterial, parasitic, and fungal infection
  • antitumor properties have been found to be prelevant in Mugwort
  • stimulates digestion and expels gas.

How to take it:

Start in small doses and work your way up so as not to over upset your intestinal tract.

Take 5 DROPS (NOT dropperful) 3x/day (15 minutes before each meal) for the first 3 days.

Increase by 2 DROPS every day for the next four days. (will be at 13 drops).

Then take 1 dropperful 3x/day for one more week.

Rest for 1 week, and repeat process as needed.

**Feel free to increase or decrease dosage as needed. Go with whatever feels right for you! but it is highly recommended to start slow and ease your way into it!

*We are not medical professionals. It is always recommended to do your own research regarding herbs. Especially when nursing, pregnant, or taking pharmaceuticals.